- 结果表明,乳酸菌发酵可显著降低鳙鱼肉糜的ph值,抑制腐败菌的生长,降低挥发性盐基氮的含量,同时还可增强鳙鱼肉糜的凝胶强度和白度。
- It showed that lactic acid fermentation could significantly decrease the ph of minced bighead carp and inhibit the growth of other microorganisms . The content of vbn in minced bighead carp was decreased after fermented by lactic acid bacteria , but the gel strength and whiteness were increased after that .
- 他表示,陶氏化学没有参与博帕尔这家工厂的运营,同意收购联合碳化物公司之时,距离该公司了结诉讼已过去了10年,距离其出售印度业务也过去了5年。
- Dow had no involvement in running the bhopal plant and agreed to buy union carbide a decade after that company had settled its litigation and five years after it had sold its indian business , he said .
- 自从去年注资之后,自从断定cit破产将不会进一步破坏金融体系的稳定之后,奥巴马政府就拒绝再向cit注入任何资本,也不担保公司新发行的债券。
- After that bail-out , the obama administration refused to inject more capital into cit , or to guarantee its new debt issues , after concluding that the firm 's failure would not further destabilise the financial system .
- 我当时是他的副手。
- I was then his no.2 .
- 当时整个剧场近乎疯狂。
- Then the theatre went wild .
- 接着是他的病情报告。
- Then came the medical bulletin .