- 病人被叫到诊疗室以后,还得抖抖索索地钻进一袭纸袍,等着做更多检查,这更加剧了痛苦。
- Being ushered into the exam room , only to be left shivering in a paper gown , to wait some more , adds to the aggravation .
- 病人被叫到诊疗室以后,还得抖抖索索地钻进一袭纸袍,等着做更多检查,这更加剧了痛苦。
- Being ushered into the exam room , only to be left shivering in a paper gown , to wait some more , adds to the aggravation .
- 当你完成考试后,将答案卷置於试卷内,离开教室前将二者均交给监试人员。
- When you have finished the exam , place your answer sheet inside your question paper and hand both to the invigilator before leaving the exam room .
- 参加美国芭蕾舞学院的考试。
- For the school of american ballet .
- 该校在地震前有329名学生。
- The school had 329 students before the earthquake .
- 一些女性高管在孩子的校门口进行远程电话会议。
- Some female executives routinely take calls while outside the school gates .