- 但是现在有些专家声称藏于卡比托利欧山城市博物馆的青铜雕像可能没有那么古老。
- But now some experts are contending that the bronze statue in a city museum atop capitoline hill might not be so old after all .
- 于是准许新郎行巫山云雨之事,那绵绵喘息声,勾的门外老头熬不住了,于是拉着老太婆就走,老太婆问道:干吗去?
- Allow then the thing that hill of bridegroom travel witch sexuals intercourse , that is unbroken whoop , the old man outside the door that tick off is not boiled , pulling carline to go then , carline asks : go why on earth ?
- 奥巴马(barackobama)制定从阿富汗撤军的时间表时,国会里持反对意见的只剩下了一两个守旧的共和党人。
- When barack obama set out a timetable for a military drawdown from afghanistan , protests on capitol hill were confined to one or two old-school republicans .