- 小说以日本接生婆阿波川的故事开始,1799年,她挫败了天皇的一位高级顾问的阴谋,解救了新生的王子和他的庶母。
- It opens with the story of a japanese midwife , orito aibagawa , who in 1799 thwarts a senior adviser to the emperor to save the life of a newborn princeling and his concubine mother .
- 正在进行人工繁殖的物种有很多:亚洲狮、苏门答腊犀牛、叙利亚秃鹭、苏拉威西黑冠猕猴、西班牙猞猁、马略卡接生蟾以及马达加斯加彩虹蛙等等。
- There is a very long list of species undergoing captive breeding : the asiatic lion , sumatran rhino , syrian bald ibis , sulawesi black-crested macaques , spanish lynx , mallorcan midwife toad , and madagascan rainbow frog .
- 她发现给她补胎的妇女曾是个产婆。
- The woman who repairs her bicycle turns out to have been a midwife .
- 我的祖母教会了我波兰语。
- My grandmother taught me polish .
- 吴阳的奶奶把一个饺子放在她的碗里。
- Wu yang 's grandmother put a dumpling in her bowl .
- 哦!那么现在我可以去看望奶奶了!
- Oh ! Then now I can go and see grandmother !
- 其中一人年轻时尚。
- One is young and dandified .
- 其中一人加入了我们。
- One of them joins us .
- 今晚只有一个人会死。
- Only one will die tonight .