- 但在守卫回来之前任何人都不能通过.
- But no one may pass until the palace guard arrives .
- 那时巴比伦王的军队正围攻耶路撒冷,耶肋米亚先知被幽禁在犹大王室监狱的庭院。
- The army of the king of babylon was then besieging jerusalem , and jeremiah the prophet was confined in the courtyard of the guard in the royal palace of judah .
- 在总统府,一个高大强壮的白人,穿着卡基布军服,持着美式突击步枪,在会议室外站岗。
- At the palace , a tall , thickly built white man , wearing khaki fatigues and carrying an american assault rifle , stood guard outside a meeting room .