- 作为一个单薄的个体,与浑厚的集体相比,我不重要。
- As a thin and weak individual , comparing with whole collectivity , I 'm not important .
- 然而,这项禁法的效力却日趋减弱,特别是在东非、西非以及中非这些野生动物保护意识历来薄弱,而非法狩猎又最为猖獗的地带。
- Yet the effects of the ban seem to be wearing thin , especially in east , west and central africa , where wildlife protection is generally weak and the poaching heaviest .
- 但投资者针对京东微薄的利润率以及低迷的全球市场提出了一些尖锐问题,迫使京东暂时搁置上市计划。
- But with investors asking probing questions about its thin profit margins and weak global market sentiment , the company has been forced to hold off for now .
- 各种资源的短缺仍在折磨着朝鲜已经非常脆弱的经济。
- Energy shortages continue to ravage north korea 's already frail economy .
- 但是仅仅靠威慑来维持的和平实在太脆弱了。
- But a peace maintained by deterrence alone is a frail thing .
- 菲德尔在斯伯尼的住宅是在哈瓦那西郊一个林荫浓密的院落内,他虽然身体虚弱,极少露面,但他的存在本身无疑限制了改革的速度。
- Fidel 's frail and ghostly presence in his compound in siboney , a leafy enclave of mansions on havana 's western outskirts , doubtless checks the speed of reform .