- 害羞的人在线交流时会变的更加开放。
- The shy become more outgoing online .
- 这位脸颊浮肿圆胖通红的腼腆男孩谦卑温顺的回答我提出的每一个问题。
- The shy boy with puffy , red cheeks responded meekly to each question I posed .
- 这名深受溺爱的国土管理官员之子儿时曾颇为腼腆。
- He was a shy , coddled child , the son of a land officer .
- 有研究小组发现,一些女性可以很高兴地同她们甚至一点兴趣都没有的男性聊天和打情骂俏这势必会使那些羞怯而又自尊的人更加舌头打结。
- One group of researchers has found that some women chat happily and flirt , even if they have absolutely no interest in the man which is bound to make the bashful and proud even more tongue-tied .
- 白天奥巴马还参观了唐宁街,那里他的圆滑,自我批评与清晰的表达,使害羞的高登布朗首相也变得放松下来。
- Visiting downing street earlier in the day , mr obama was at once emollient , self-critical and articulate , in a way that put an initially bashful gordon brown at his ease .
- 此外,美联储不应羞于利用道德说教的最佳讲坛,就日益迫近的资产泡沫危险发出警告。
- In addition , the fed should not be bashful in using the bully pulpit of moral persuasion to warn against the impending dangers of asset bubbles .
- 埃及官员已经表达了尴尬的抱歉。
- Egyptian officials have voiced embarrassed regret .
- 我很惊讶,也感到尴尬。
- I was surprised and embarrassed .
- 值得疑惑的是为什么日本社会不为他们首相的行为感到难堪。
- It puzzles us why japanese society is not embarrassed by its prime minister .