- 他们放情山水园林,多以联句或分韵唱和的诗歌创作形式雅集抒怀,促成了德行操守、文采风流标举一时的人文景观。
- They indulged in beautiful scenery and gardens , composing poetry of couplets and verse to express their emotion , thus bringing about a human landscape which was immersed with virtue ethics and literary grace .
- 茫茫人海,滚滚红尘,回眸四望,欣赏是一道绝美的风景,一隅人人渴望、四季相宜、风味独特的景观。
- Boundless huge , surgent human society , return to mou four hope , appreciation is a beautiful scenery , corner everyone longing , four seasons fitting , unique flavor of the landscape .