- 对刑法解释基本原则的研究,在方法论和存在论上必然遭遇到语言解释学上不可避免的部分和整体之间的循环问题。
- In the research of the fundermental principals of the interpretation about criminal law , with regard to methodology and ontology it is inevitable to meet with the problem of circulation between proportion and intergrity , which always exists in the hermeneutic of language .
- 那些怀着人们回报他的心思而行善的人,在跟恶人打交道的时候,遭遇到的是冷嘲热讽而不是感恩戴德,对此,他们不应该觉得惊讶。
- Those who are charitable only in the hope of a return , must not be surprised if , in their dealings with evil men , they meet with more jeers than thanks .
- 如果徒步者的家人要求会见你,你是否会见他们?
- Would you meet with their families if they asked to m eet with you ?
- 但是卢偶然间发现了一种口腔细菌产生的酶可以破坏生物膜。
- But lu stumbled across an enzyme produced by oral bacteria that can break up biofilms .
- 卢现在是麻省理工学院的助理教授,他开始研究如何才能破坏生物膜。
- Lu , who is now an assistant professor at mit , began researching how to destroy biofilms .
- 当读到这份令人沮丧的信的时候,小陆立刻开始感到恐慌了。
- As she read the disheartening words , ms. lu immediately began to panic .