- 一只熊正在森林中追逐一只兔子,这时他们发现了一个瓶子并决定去摩擦它。
- Bear and a rabbit a bear is chasing a rabbit through a forest . They find a bottle and decide to rub it .
- 两个徒步旅行者正在野餐,突然出现了一头熊,当其中一个系起鞋带要跑的时候,他的朋友嘲笑说他不可能跑过那头熊。
- Two hikers are picnicking when a bear appears . When one laces up his boots to run , his friend scoffs that he can 't outrun a bear .
- 举例来说,发现从垃圾堆里觅食过活比在水里抓鲑鱼容易的熊被叫做“垃圾熊”。
- For example a garbage bear is a bear that has figured out its easier to make a living digging through the trash than hoisting salmon out of rivers .