- 在加拿大,为什么人们有时候会把植物覆盖起来?
- Why do people sometimes cover plants in canada ?
- 这本书的封面上应当有你的名字!
- This book should have your name on the cover !
- 它们的阴影一定覆盖了加拿大。
- Their shadows must cover canada .
- 在这一步我们要给车篷多加一点光泽。
- In this step , we 'll add some more gloss to the hood .
- 当外面光的亮度不可能被减少时,考虑使用电脑罩。
- When outside light cannot be reduced , consider using a computer hood .
- 它用铝和钛金属打造,简直酷毙了,像是在法拉利上放了一个新的透明车篷,棒极了。
- Made of aluminum , titanium , and awesome it would be the perfect compliment for the new clear hood you just put on the ferrari .
- 如果他有超感应力,这位总统可能会查询哈里杜鲁门阴影寻求证据。
- Had he powers of esp , this president might consult the shade of harry truman for proof .
- 现在正值挖掘工地的午饭时间,工人们都躲到树荫下面吃午饭去了。
- It was lunch hour at the dig site , and the workers had gone to eat in the shade .
- 在炎热夏季,它把阳光遮得严严实实,让我的家处在树荫下。
- In the summer , it blocks the sun almost completely , keeping my home in shade .
- 为什么公共房屋量如此之小呢?
- Why is there so little social housing ?
- 而房屋政策将会移交给地方政府。
- Housing policy will be devolved to local authorities .
- 但他也认为房屋有其特别之处。
- But he argues that housing remains unique .
- 开发区蔓延反思及控制。
- Reflections and control on overspread of development zone .
- 当最后的罪恶被蒙盖正如一棵婆罗双树被藤蔓所覆盖时,你的敌人期许的是你成为你自己.
- When overspread by extreme vice -- like a sal tree by a vine -- you do to yourself what an enemy would wish .
- 行人又叫“带上面罩我也认得你”
- The pedestrian cries again " I am overspread above the belt also know you "
- 用羊毛毡或粗麻布把植株包起来,用绳子把布料绑在植株上。
- Wrap the plant in fleece or hessian and tie the fabric to the plant with string .
- 另外一名乘客给我一件羊毛衫裹住宝宝。
- Another passenger gave me her cardigan to wrap the baby in .
- 281磅又8盎司重的塑料带裹成球形,上面可以站个人。
- 281 Lb 8 oz of plastic wrap shaped as a ball , big enough to stand on .
- 这些公司也在被严重低估的货币的保护下竞争。
- These companies also fight behind the shield of a grossly undervalued currency .
- 先是出现了一种编造的说法:他曾把自己的一位妻子当作人盾。
- First came the false claim that he had used one of his wives as a human shield .
- 一个贵族可能拿着波兰盾,穿着波斯长袍,用着土耳其的马饰物。
- One nobleman might sport a polish shield , and persian robe and use turkish horse trappings .
- 意味着母亲的眼泪和妻子们1980年代开始的等待,等待他们儿子和丈夫归来,即使是包着裹尸布。
- It meant the tears of mothers and wives waiting since the 1980s for their sons and husbands to return , even if wrapped in a shroud .
- 澳大利亚,不列颠哥伦比亚省,美国西南部和西伯利亚的一些部族以实行树葬而闻名,其中涉及用裹尸布或寿衣包裹尸体,然后把它放在树枝间分解。
- Groups in australia , british columbia , the american southwest and siberia were known to practice tree burial , which involved wrapping the body in a shroud or cloth and placing it in a crook to decompose .
- 他对车展、烤鸡、3d电影的热情不减,但是当有人在晚餐的时候开了一个玩笑的时候,我和我妈都笑得满脸通红,他还是苍白得像裹尸布一样。
- His zest for car shows , roasted chicken and 3d movies remained , but when someone cracked a joke at dinner , instead of turning beet-red with laughter like my mom and me , he remained white as a burial shroud .