- 一岁孩子吃完消炎药几天可以打医苗?
- Is one-year-old child completed the antiphlogistic several day being able to strike the medicine seedling ?
- 就在星期一的晚上,这位50多岁的农民兼生物学家,一位绝食抗议者,由于饥饿在加拉加斯的军医院溘然长逝,在那里他捍卫了自己的意志。
- Late on monday night , the 50-year-old farmer and biologist died from a hunger strike in the military hospital in caracas , the capital , where he had been held against his will , virtually incommunicado , since december .
- 孟买扎韦里集市(zaveribazaar)上的44岁商人达尼(chetandani)说,我正等着罢工结束,因为我想为太太6月份的生日订一对手镯。
- ' I was waiting for the strike to end as I wanted to order a pair of bangles for my wife 's birthday in june , ' said chetan dani , a 44-year-old businessman who was at mumbai 's zaveri bazaar .