- 而在两者之间的间隙看上去几乎完全是一片黑暗。
- Between the two is a gap that appears almost completely dark .
- 谁来填补这一空白?
- Who can fill the gap ?
- 而且这一差距正在增大。
- And the gap is growing .
- 喀布尔一位美军发言人谴责该录像带为鼓吹宣传的工具,称其违背了战争的法则。
- A us military spokesman in kabul condemned the video as propaganda and a breach of the rules of war .
- 这会违背公司政府指导书,但也许会对公司环境有益,人们认为。
- That would breach corporate-governance guidelines , but may be preferable in the circumstances , says the person .
- 虽然如此,罗姆尼仍然兴致勃勃地加入到对佩里的口诛笔伐中,因为佩里违背了共和党的信条。
- Nonetheless mr romney cheerfully joined in the denunciation of mr perry for his breach of party doctrine .
- 小腿肿胀是肾功能不全吗?
- Renal insufficiency leg swelling is it ?
- 对诺贝尔奖得主斯蒂格利茨(josephstiglitz)而言,重建世界经济的出发点是认识全球需求不足如何为危机埋下了伏笔。
- For nobel laureate joseph stiglitz , a starting point for rebuilding the world economy is recognizing how a ' global insufficiency of demand ' set the stage for a crisis in the first place .
- 维持性血透慢性肾功能不全患者血浆内皮素观察。
- Plasma endothelin level in maintained hemodialysis with chronic renal insufficiency .
- 这如何称为漏洞呢?
- How 's that for a loophole ?
- 否则,ipo将构成一个巨大的税收漏洞。
- Otherwise , an ipo would constitute a giant tax loophole .
- 我们同时也堵住了鼓励公司在海外创造就业的税收漏洞。
- We also ended a tax loophole that encouraged companies to create jobs overseas .