- 这一比例可能大幅萎缩。
- This proportion may well shrink .
- 食疗和运动只能缩小它们。
- Diet and exercise just shrink them .
- 一些权威专家认为经济会萎缩。
- Some pundits think the economy will shrink .
- 我们得到10年的合约了!
- We 've got a ten-year contract !
- 气体在有限的空间里聚集收缩。
- Locally denser regions of gas contract .
- 没有附加条款,也没有合约?
- With no commitment or contract ?
- 我给你带来一份否认声明。
- I 've brought you a retraction .
- 尽管如此,对该欺诈的指控和撤销似乎确实对公众看法产生了影响。
- Still , the retraction and allegations of fraud do seem to have influenced public perception .
- 这家期刊随后取消了那篇论文并致歉,但王仍对那场经历耿耿于怀。
- The journal later offered a retraction and an apology , but wang is still bitter about the experience .
- 但经济收缩影响的不止是有亚洲业务的全球性企业。
- But the contraction is not just affecting global employers with asian operations .
- 这意味着财政的紧缩达占到了gdp的近2%。
- This implies a fiscal contraction of about 2 % of gdp .
- 其后的收缩也同样剧烈。
- The contraction was equally intense .