- 从俄勒冈之路编年史里,我意识到一件事情,绝大部分我的行为都成了我所擅长的事情的阻碍。
- One of the things I learned during the oregon trail chronicles was that there were a surprising amount of things that I was doing that actually prevented me from doing the things that I was the best at .
- 这本书介绍了新技术领域的一些公司的兴衰史,并讨论了互联网的未来。
- The book chronicles the rise and fall of companies that develop new technologies , and discusses the future of the internet .
- 现在网络上充斥着“农场博客”人们就是这么称呼这种田园生活流水账的。
- The internet is now overrun with " farm blogs , " as such chronicles of rural life are called .
- 库米博士的团队在行业研究期刊ieee年报上发布了他们的研究成果。
- Dr koomey 's team published their results in ieee annals , an industry research journal .
- 但是战场上的胜利证明项羽将军是正确的,社会学研究的年报也支持他的做法。
- But general xiang yu would be vindicated , both on the battlefield and in the annals of social science research .
- 另外一种就是机械晶体管,这听起来就像是从工业革命史册中发掘出来的玩意儿。
- The other , the mechanical transistor , sounds as if it has been lifted from the annals of the industrial revolution .
- 从俄勒冈之路编年史里,我意识到一件事情,绝大部分我的行为都成了我所擅长的事情的阻碍。
- One of the things I learned during the oregon trail chronicles was that there were a surprising amount of things that I was doing that actually prevented me from doing the things that I was the best at .
- 这本书介绍了新技术领域的一些公司的兴衰史,并讨论了互联网的未来。
- The book chronicles the rise and fall of companies that develop new technologies , and discusses the future of the internet .
- 现在网络上充斥着“农场博客”人们就是这么称呼这种田园生活流水账的。
- The internet is now overrun with " farm blogs , " as such chronicles of rural life are called .