- 目前,欧元危机已经得到减轻。
- For the time being , the euro crisis is in remission .
- 现在肯兹尤斯的白血病已见缓解,他和妻子正在森尼贝尔岛上的高尔夫球场旁的白房子里共享时光。
- His leukemia in remission now , john and marianne kanzius are sharing time together in the white house by the golf course on sanibel island .
- 三次试验后,5名早先接受过治疗的病人,因为ctla-4的抗体治疗不成功,也在缓解。
- Across all three trials , five patients who had received earlier , unsuccessful treatment with the antibody to ctla-4 are in remission .
- 胆碱可以帮助缓解哮喘相关的症状。
- Choline may help relieve symptoms associated with asthma .
- 他们肯定有这样的资源来减轻投入上的压力。
- So they certainly have the resource base to relieve the pressure .
- 如果经济趋向疲软,则会减轻价格上升压力。
- If the economy falters , that should relieve price pressures too .
- 附近的一个清真寺带来了一些救济。
- A nearby mosque is bringing some relief .
- 奥巴马在执政四年当中并没能提供救济。
- Mr obama has been unable to provide relief in four years .
- 但消息释放经济衰退缓解而受市场的欢迎。
- But the news has been greeted with something approaching relief .
- 定期地放松管理压力。
- Relax regularly and manage stress .
- 试着在上床前放松。
- Try to relax before bed .
- 他要求欧盟放宽对于西班牙的严格减赤要求。
- He wants the eu to relax spain 's tough deficit targets .