- 花冠红色或橙红色,钟状漏斗状,稍二唇形;裂片平展,半圆形。
- Corolla red or orange-red , campanulate-funnelform , slightly bilabiate ; lobes spreading , semirounded .
- 红色王旗法国圣蒂尼斯修道院的种红色或桔红色旗帜,被早期法国王室用作一种标志。
- The red or orange-red flag of the abbey of saint denis in france , used as a standard by the early kings of france .
- 核果橙红色,卵形体,约8毫米,基部圆形,先端渐尖。
- Drupe orange-red , ovoid-pyriform , ca. 8 mm , base rounded , apex acuminate .
- 看著橘子树的树稍,橙黄色的天空
- With tangerine trees and marmalade skies ?
- 老师为小朋友准备了糖,盐,橘子粉,沙子,豆子,请你们放入水中,看看有什么现象发生。
- Teacher prepares sugar , salt , tangerine powder , sand , bean for the children . Please put them into water and see what will happen .
- 1976年:吉百利在洛杉矶面世,只有8种口味:樱桃,柠檬,奶油苏打,橘子,青苹果,沙士,葡萄和甘草。
- 1976 : The jelly belly was created in los angeles with just eight flavors : very cherry , lemon , cream soda , tangerine , green apple , root beer , grape and licorice .
- 对于克里斯蒂来说,这些数学问题,没有唯一的最佳方案。
- For ms. christy , these are mathematical problems with no one optimum solution .
- 我记得你第一次踢脚,克莉丝蒂。
- I remember the first time you kicked , christy .
- 加起来有多少,克莉丝蒂?
- How much does it add up to , christy ?