- 他们不仅支持法律规定禁止奴隶拥有枪支,还让获得自由的黑人解除武装,那些创始人们担心他们会和自己的同伙联合起来暴动。
- Not only did they support laws prohibiting slaves from possessing guns , they also disarmed free blacks , who the founders feared might join together with their brethren in chains to revolt .
- 超级巨浪似乎产生于深海或是一系列物理因素如强风和快速的洋流交汇的地方,并由此可能会发生聚焦效应,导致多股波浪汇集。
- Rogue waves seem to occur in deep water or where a number of physical factors such as strong winds and fast currents converge . This may have a focusing effect , which can cause a number of waves to join together .
- 在澳大利亚昆兰士州,一群绿色织工蚁联合在一起捍卫自己的树叶巢穴。
- Green weaver worker ants join together to defend their nest in queensland , australia .
- 未能为该丛创建一个名称。
- Failed to create a name for the plex .
- 但是我要提示一点,读过《intheplex》的人一定知道:skype差一点就被google拥有了。
- But I will recount a bit of history that readers of in the plex already know : it was almost google who owned skype .
- 正如书名《走进谷歌》所暗示的那样,史蒂芬列维从泡泡内部的视角,全面记述了这家搜索公司最初十来年的历史脉络。
- As its title suggests , in the plex , steven levy 's thorough history of the search company 's first dozen or so years , is written from inside that bubble .
- 我在你背后做的唯一的事情就是帮你拉拉链。
- The only thing I 've ever done behind your back is zip you up .
- 解压这个imovie的zip压缩文件,并打开解压后的文件夹。
- Extract the imovie zip file and open the resulting imovie folder .
- 瓦伦蒂诺轻而易举呈现的优雅让你相信,坠入另一个世界或另一种生活方式,犹如拉上拉链一样简单。
- Valentino 's easy elegance makes you believe that slipping into another world or lifestyle is as simple as doing up a zip .