- 上述决定令许多经济学家感到不安,他们担心,奥巴马会为了安抚政治上重要的美国工会,而放弃自由贸易的承诺。
- That decision rattled many economists , who feared that mr obama would backtrack on his free trade promises in an attempt to pacify the politically important us unions .
- 只要塔利班组织继续否认美国为平定甚至是一个像赫尔曼德省马尔贾这样的小农村社区做出的努力,这种谈判就显得空洞无力。
- Such talk rings hollow as long as the taliban continue to defy american efforts to pacify even a small and rural community like marja in helmand province .
- 据说,在美国平定这个伊拉克中部逊尼派据点、努力重掌控制权的过程中,《日内瓦公约》的不少条款被践踏了。
- Dozens of articles of the geneva convention were allegedly breached during the american bid to " re-establish control and pacify " this sunni stronghold in central iraq .
- 政治家们这些年以来,一直在给像苏格兰这类情况相似的地区增添额外经费,以此平息民族主义者引发的骚乱。
- Politicians have added extra cash over the years-usually , in scotland 's case , to appease nationalist uproar .
- 日本央行于今年十月采取了一系列措施来增加流动资产,但是对于那么做的主要原因似乎是为了尽力去平息那些关心日本独立的政客们。
- In october the boj took some steps to increase liquidity , but the main reason for that seemed to be to try to appease politicians who were concerned about its independence .
- 在劳动力卖方市场,企业以提供更高的工资来满足雇员。
- In such a tight labour market , companies appease workers by offering higher wages .
- 图为毒品贩子的一个老窝,现在已经被治安警察队伍控制了。
- An old base used by drug traffickers is now occupied by the " police pacification units . "
- 平静(升级):神圣帝国的女神官身上散发出纯净和真理的自然光环,让被她们攻击的敌人分神。
- Pacification ( upgrade ) : the vestals of the holy empire walk with a natural aura of purity and truth that brings spiritual pause to the enemies they attack .
- 例如允许东德人民在西德电视上收看美国肥皂剧表面上是一种和平演变政策的一种,但事实上却降低人民对政治的兴趣。
- Allowing east germans to watch american soap operas on west german television , for example , seems to have acted as a form of pacification that actually reduced people 's interest in politics .
- 由于无力对抗比他们大得多的邻居伊朗从而保护自己,他们必须做好两手准备,在对这个伊斯兰共和国让步的同时还与美国结盟并加强自身的防御和威慑力量。
- Unable to defend themselves against their much larger iranian neighbor , they have hedged their bets by aligning themselves with the united states and relying on its defensive and deterrent power , while simultaneously appeasing the islamic republic .
- 而且,新修订的法律法规会在一定程度上平息美国政府的不安,因为美国甚至都没有和新加坡签订双向税收协议,所以他们也为新加坡宽松的经济政策捏着一把汗。
- Likewise , the new laws and regulations will go some way towards appeasing sentiment in america , where there is also concern about singapore 's lax regulations . America does not even have a full double-taxation agreement with singapore .
- 对穆加贝先生来说,他声称他愿意和任何人会谈,毫无疑问他现在处在强势地位,对和稀泥的姆贝基先生也无所畏惧。
- Mr mugabe , for his part , has said that he is willing to talk to anyone , safe in the knowledge that he now does so from a position of strength and with nothing to fear from the appeasing mr mbeki .