- 我们都想获得成功。
- We all want to succeed .
- 而这与我们所有人息息相关。
- This matters to all of us .
- 这一切全部始于意识。
- It all starts with awareness .
- 这个方式也不全是新的。
- This is not entirely new .
- 剩下的就全靠你自己了。
- The rest is entirely up to you .
- 这也不全是个奇异的视角。
- Nor is it an entirely outlandish view .
- 一对夫妇搬到一起住。
- One couple moved in together .
- 我们可以一起做点事情。
- We can do stuff together .
- 你们会一起找乐子吗?
- Do you have fun together ?
- 领导人是应该领导的。
- Leaders are supposed to lead .
- 从现在开始引导你的人生吧。
- Lead your life starting now .
- 带领印度队决不是个轻松的活。
- To lead india was no easy job .
- 从命令中行中接收打印的输入。
- Printing from the command line .
- 麦克里斯托最近接过了美军在阿富汗的指挥权。
- Gen. mcchrystal recently took command in afghanistan .
- 奥巴马总统授权它们在北约指挥下再展风采。
- Mr. obama should authorize them to fly again under nato command .
- 那一系列报道开启了她的事业。
- That series launched her career .
- 那辆是宝马7系列么?
- Was that a bmw 7 series ?
- 这组按照时间先后顺序排列的图片体现了冰架瓦解的过程。
- This time-lapse series of images shows the progression of the ice breakup .
- 该软件目前通过gps或地址支持35万个地点的信息。
- It currently supports 350000 locations by gps or by address .
- 更不用说可以帮助你在世界任何地方都能找到路的内置全球定位系统。
- Not to mention the built-in gps that helps you to find your way anywhere in the world .
- 这项法案提议执法机关在获取gps数据前提供合理原因。
- The bill proposes that law enforcement should have probable cause before requesting gps data .