- 基因漂变甚至可以抵消自然选择。
- Genetic drift can even counteract natural selection .
- 许多生物变化源于基因的随机漂变而非主动选择。
- Much change is due to random genetic drift rather than positive selection .
- 但是金还不能确定,发育漂变是否也出现在人类身上。
- Prof kim cannot yet say whether developmental drift occurs in humans .
- 到乔希里默,感谢温哥华互联网市场聚会回来了,我是主讲人。
- Thanks to josh rimer , the vancouver internet markets meetup is back and I 'm the featured speaker .
- 支持该网站的风险投资商丹尼-莱莫说,net-a-porter的吸引力并不是因为便宜的价格,而是在商品卖完之前把它送到顾客的手里。
- Net-a-porter 's appeal is not price , says danny rimer of index ventures , a venture-capital fund which backed the firm , but the convenience of getting items delivered to your door before they sell out .
- 皇家军械库(royalarmouries,英国军械博物馆)的格赖姆莱默(graemerimer)的说,中世纪的兵器足以一击砍掉你的头或是卸下一条胳膊。“既然一击就能致命,何必再加上12下呢?”
- According to graeme rimer of the royal armouries , britain 's arms museum , medieval weapons had the capacity to decapitate or amputate at a single stroke . " Given how much damage you can do with one blow , why land another 12 ? "