- 找到新的可圈的人。
- Find new people to circle .
- 这种良性循环不仅存在于科技领域。
- That virtuous circle extends beyond technology .
- 石圈是由38块形状和大小各异的石头组成的。
- 38 Stones of different shapes and sizes form this circle .
- 而braingate做的就是绕过损坏的连接。
- What braingate does is bypass the broken connection .
- 修改真实的恶意代码来绕开防病毒软件没能让很多安全厂商高兴。
- The modification of actual malicious code to bypass antivirus has not pleased many security-software vendors .
- 其他服务公司则发布安卓和windows平台的应用程序,或者通过创建网页应用彻底绕开苹果平台。
- Other services publish to android and windows , or bypass apple altogether by creating web apps .
- 风电行业比较难以预测。
- The wind sector is less predictable .
- 风电场面临他们的第一次经营衰退。
- Wind firms face their first recession .
- 在薄荷味的风中凉驻。
- To cool in the peppermint wind .
- 现在,研究团队成员正在进一步开发线圈。
- The team members are now carrying out further development work on the coil .
- 电磁造型机器利用一堆电容器,迅速释放电流经过线圈。
- Such machines use a bank of capacitors to discharge a current rapidly through a coil .
- 这样,周围的线圈中会有电流产生,据航空航天工程学教授理查德詹姆斯率领的研究小组的研究人员说。
- This produces a current in a surrounding coil , according to the researchers , led by aerospace engineering professor richard james .
- 当真的出现的时候,它令我震颤。
- And it made me reel when it did come .
- 用回收的磁带卷做成的与众不同的挂钟。
- Unusual wall clock made out of recycled magnetic tape reel .
- 工厂里的一些人仍然对抛弃传统的35mm卷式放映的有点持怀疑态度。
- Still , many in the industry are sceptical about ditching the 35mm reel for good .
- 用羊毛毡或粗麻布把植株包起来,用绳子把布料绑在植株上。
- Wrap the plant in fleece or hessian and tie the fabric to the plant with string .
- 另外一名乘客给我一件羊毛衫裹住宝宝。
- Another passenger gave me her cardigan to wrap the baby in .
- 281磅又8盎司重的塑料带裹成球形,上面可以站个人。
- 281 Lb 8 oz of plastic wrap shaped as a ball , big enough to stand on .