- 我们想向你们出售软件。
- We want to sell you software .
- 希望我们可以多卖些饺子。
- I hope we sell more dumplings .
- 叙利亚更难自我推销。
- Syria is a harder sell .
- 出口分销权协议(上海美标陶瓷)
- Novation instrument - export distributorship agreement ( a-s shanghai )
- 请记住,无论怎样您决定建立自己的分销,成功的关键是沟通和教育。
- Remember that whichever way you decide to build your distributorship , the key to success is communication and education .
- 非独家经销权款指制造商有权通过自己的员工直接同用户经营业务,或授予第三方代理经销权。
- Non-exclusive distributorship . Means the principal may engage in business directly with customers through his own staff or grant distributorship to third parties .
- 协议还允许这些人前往过去不得进入的地区分发食品。
- It also allows the teams to distribute food in areas previously off limits .
- 他称将通过“国家市场经济体制”使财富分配更加平均。
- He says he would distribute wealth more equally through a " national market economy " .
- 每个部门都会获得一定份额的空间和预算,并由他们自行分配,pelham说。
- The divisions each get a share of space and the budget which they distribute at their discretion pelham says .