- 它的经济终将痊愈。
- Its economy will eventually recover .
- 最后s在报社辞职了。
- Eventually s quit the magazine .
- 几乎可以肯定地说,这一转换终将发生。
- That the shift will occur eventually is almost certain .
- 最后,我们只剩下最后一个问题。
- In the end we are left with a question .
- 最终还是信心和信誉占到全部。
- In the end confidence and credibility are all .
- 但以往的记录表明,使用着的活语言到底是不可控的。
- But the record suggests that living languages are not in the end controllable .
- 毕竟我们是在谈漫画书。
- We are talking comic books after all .
- 或许,我们终究都会成为社会主义者。
- Maybe we 'll all be socialists after all .
- 到底瑜伽时怎么诞生的?
- After all how was yoga born ?