- 可悲的是,希腊的政治生活中,街头骚乱以及更加暴力的行为过于频繁。
- Lamentably , street riots , even violent ones , are an all-too-frequent part of greek political life .
- 为了满足你的知觉,你不惜将生命孤注一掷,不惜毁坏名誉、财富、自尊、家庭、良知、你所爱的人乃至背弃你的主。
- To satisfy your senses you even put your life at stick . You 'll do anything loss honor , wealth , dignity , family , wisdom , your loved ones , and most of all , even your owing master .
- 他的写自己生活的诗歌《离骚》和其他重要的诗作,都充满了他对祖国的热爱。
- written about his own life and other important ones are all filled with his deep love for his country .