- 他们把新的信息都织到现有的知识网里面去,而不依靠重复记忆来记住知识。
- Instead of relying on memorizing material repeatedly , they weave any new information into their existing knowledge .
- 一天妈妈正在织一款毛衣,纹理间有很多小洞。
- Once upon a time my mother was knitting a style of sweater that had many open holes in the weave .
- 她们将自己编织进入日常生活的细节中,直至再也无法被分辨出来。
- They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it .
- 也许我最终会学会编织,煮有三种以上配料的菜式。
- Maybe I 'll finally learn to knit . Or cook something with more than three ingredients .
- 一天晚上,母亲打完几份工后回来,我便抱怨自己没有几件意大利针织衬衫穿了。
- One night my mother came home from working her multiple jobs and I complained about not having enough italian knit shirts .
- 相反的,你现在该穿的应该是轧花斜纹布或者针织的服装,加上一副迷人的太阳镜,脚上蹬一双皮革凉鞋。
- Instead , this is the time to wear a rolled chino , a light knit , knockout sunglasses and a pair of leather sandals .
- 报答支持你的人。
- Reward someone who supports you .
- 你可能还会遇到谁?
- Who else would you meet ?
- 谁赢得了货币战争?
- Who wins a currency war ?