- 老绅士高兴地大声说。
- Cried the old gentleman happily .
- 团里有一个形容枯槁的绅士很明显是代表团的团长。
- There was a wizened gentleman among them who was clearly the leader .
- 最后,她站了起来,结果发现大家都走了,只有一个好心的先生留下来帮她。
- Eventually she rose to see that everyone was gone and only one kind gentleman was left to help her .
- 参与玫瑰革命的中下层军官和官僚也成为了他们应该推翻的士绅阶层一部分,吸收了士绅阶层的傲慢方式,现在与他们分享埃及革命的既得利益。
- The lower middle class of army officers and bureaucrats who rose in the revolution have joined the gentry they were supposed to have ousted , adopted their haughty ways and now share egypt 's spoils with them .
- 少数制片人希望将他定位于时代剧,塑造成失落一代的象征被命运送上战场,最终在酒瓶中沉浮一生,又或是没落的士绅阶级甜美又忧伤的代言人。
- Small wonder producers want to cast him into the past , installing him as an emblem of the lost generation , fated to be sent off to war , pickle his promise in gin or preside over the sweet , sad decline of the landed gentry .
- 口蹄疫危机时农场主被迫宰牛以防疾病传播,他将两种情况做了对比,说“除了对地主绅士们没有补偿外,这次的对象是树木,而口蹄疫的患病对象是牛”。
- He compared the situation to the foot and mouth crisis when farmers were forced to cull their cows to stop the disease spreading . " It is for trees what foot and mouth was for cows , except there is no compensation for the landed gentry , " he said .