- 它是一辆小轿车--确切地说,更像一辆小型赛车车身用的是大麻和油菜籽之类的东西。
- It was a small car - more of a kart , really - that used things like hemp and rapeseed for the bodywork .
- 穿得破破烂烂的人们在城镇和乡下游荡,收集破布烂头,其大麻和亚麻纤维经长年累月的洗涤和风吹日晒品质已下降。
- Rag men roamed the towns and countryside , collecting scraps of fabric whose hemp and flax fibers had been degraded by years of washing and drying in the sun .
- 大麻种子:这些富含蛋白质的种子富含人体需要的必需脂肪酸,现在能在任何一间能源酒吧找到它。
- Hemp seeds : these protein-packed seeds possess a great essential fatty acid profile , and are now found in everything from energy bars to hempmilk .