- 中间的一行有七个音节。
- The middle line has seven syllables .
- 这里是第二条装配线。
- Here is the second assembly line .
- 有史以来最棒的销售线?
- The best sales line ever ?
- 巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。
- Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf .
- 高筑铁丝围栏环绕着整个建筑。
- A high wire fence circles the building .
- 如果小狗咬坏了通电的电线,它们就会被电着了。
- If they chew through to a live wire they could get shocked .
- 我宁愿选择眼前放着一根穿好了针的线。
- I prefer having a thread with a needle close at hand .
- 这个螺旋线展示的领袖品质,使得去伪存真的组合变得轮廓清晰。
- By the apparent leadership of the screw thread , the refined combination comes into focus .
- 但是从那一刻起,我明白了,爱情就像是生活中被子里的一根线。
- But from this experience , I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life .
- 澳大利亚提出了另一条路线。
- Australia has proposed another route .
- 然而这条路径充满了艰难险阻。
- This has been a tricky route .
- 玛塔伊想找到另一条途径。
- She wants to find another route .