- 那个绿色的按钮是干什么的呢?
- What is the green button for ?
- 它可以是像你相机上的一个按键或者设定那样的基本。
- This could be as basic as a button or setting on your camera .
- 每一个功能都由一个手势控制,而不是一个按键。
- Each function has a gesture associated with it rather than a specific button .
- 一只手转动门把手。
- A single hand turns a knob .
- 后面一个旋钮没用。
- The rear knob has no function .
- 年轻的陌生人斯特文斯注意到了前门的把手上栓了样黑色的东西。
- Steavens the young stranger noticed that something black was tied to the knob of the front door .
- 我知道该如何应付压力。
- I know how to handle stress .
- 某些州处理方式有所不同。
- Some states handle it differently .
- 最伟大的领导人是那些能够以冷静和镇定应付压力局面的人。
- The greatest leaders are those who can handle a pressure situation by remaining calm and collected .
- 这压低了债券收益率。
- This pushed down bond yields .
- 债券市场的泡沫正在破裂?
- Is the bond bubble bursting ?
- 美国和英国的公债收益率已稳定在了历史低位上。
- Bond yields in the us and uk have stabilised at record lows .
- 主要共和党领导人直言不讳地反对----包括纽特金尼奇和萨拉佩林---将9.11事件联系到伊斯兰。
- The outspoken opposition of prominent republicans - including newt gingrich and sarah palin - connects the sept. 11 attacks to islam .
- 超级星期二在南方的三大洲:俄克拉荷马州,田纳西州和佐治亚州的角逐很可能变成了里克桑托勒姆和前众议院议长纽特金里奇的较量。
- The contests in three of the southern super tuesday states-oklahoma , tennessee and georgia-are likely to be straight fights between mr santorum and newt gingrich , the former speaker of the house of representatives .
- 但是斯佩里的蝾螈手术近七十年以后,神经细胞的轴突导向问题仍然是神经科学领域最难的课题之一。
- But almost 70 years after sperry 's newt surgery , the wiring question remains one of the deepest mysteries in neuro science .