- 纸币提供了便利,但当得不到黄金的支持时,它太容易贬值。
- Paper money is a boon , but when unsupported by bullion is all too easily devalued .
- 发行了大陆货币、中央政府军需军粮券以及各州的货币近4亿美元(票面价值)用来支付战争开销。
- Nearly $ 400 million ( at face value ) in continental money , quartermaster and commissary certificates of the central government , and paper money of the states was issued to defray wartime expenses .
- 这位和蔼的医生在皈依奥地利经济学派之后,摇身一变成为了一名理念斗士,将美联储的运作,以至整个依赖不再和黄金挂钩的纸币的银行系统看成是一个危险的骗局。
- The good doctor 's conversion to the austrian school of economics turned him into a crusader who has come to see the operations of the fed-indeed the entire banking system , with its reliance on paper money no longer backed by gold-as a dangerous confidence trick .
- 投资银行应注意这一点。
- Investment banks should take note .
- 他的继任者应该注意这一点。
- His successors should take note .
- 雇主也将一定会注意到。
- Employers will surely take note .
- 看着像一沓折叠的美元钞票的创意枕头。
- Creative pillow looks like a stack of folded us dollar banknotes .
- 于是,将塞满钞票的信封交给考官的机会被减至最低。
- The opportunities for envelopes stuffed with banknotes to change hands are thus minimised .
- 在银行系统普遍恐慌期没有足够的硬通货货币和纸币来满足所有要求赎回的抵押品。
- During a generalised panic the banking system did not have enough specie or banknotes to meet all the redemption requests .