- 不过除了纯粹的人力因素,还有哪些内容是人们愿意分享的?
- But beyond pure manpower , what kind of content do people want to share ?
- 此次入侵花旗系统的黑客显然是纯罪犯,看中的是经济利益。
- The citi hackers are apparently pure criminals , motivated by financial gain .
- 这些挑衅行为不能被视为单纯的虚张声势。
- These provocations cannot be discounted as pure bluff .
- 我们真的太干净了吗?
- Can we be too clean ?
- 口腔健康源自洁净的牙齿。
- Oral health begins with clean teeth .
- 一切都是干净和漂亮的。
- All is clean and beautiful .