- 你必须制定纪律让每个人遵守。
- You have to have discipline .
- 城市复兴不是一门新兴学科。
- Urban regeneration is not a fresh discipline .
- 视觉化是一个相对新的学科。
- Visualisation is a relatively new discipline .
- 更能体现时代发展规律的规律。
- E-business can embody the law of time period .
- 磁极调换期间会是什么样子?
- What is the reversal period like ?
- 充分利用你自慰后的时间。
- Take advantage of your refractory period .
- 哈里王子?我爱死他了。
- Nelly Yuki : Prince Harry ? I love him .
- 就像忧郁中曾经发生过的电脑场景,阿虚和有希反复交谈直到有希睡着。
- Like in the Melancholy computer scene , Kyon and Yuki chat back and forth until Yuki goes to sleep .
- 在馀下的4圈,因为白石勇树在7号弯出现了些许小错误,最后超越了他。
- In the last4 laps , due to Yuki making some small mistakes in turn7 and I finally overtook him .
- 使恐龙成为侏罗纪和白垩纪的动物之王的其中一个特征是它们生长迅速。
- One of the traits which allowed dinosaurs to dominate the fauna of the jurassic and cretaceous periods was that they grew rapidly .
- 目前地球大气中氧气的浓度为21%,但是我们知道过去的4亿年来氧气的浓度发生过很急剧的变化,在白垩纪中期降低到稳定水平。
- Today we 've got an oxygen level of 21 percent , but we know the levels have varied greatly in the past 400 million years and have declined steadily since the middle of the cretaceous .
- 不同的羽毛有不同的颜色样式,这表明白垩纪时期的会飞恐龙和陆地恐龙都利用羽毛来炫示自己。
- Different feathers have different patterns of colour , suggesting that cretaceous dinosaurs-flying or otherwise-used their feathers for display .