- 小叶紫檀价格的上涨促使更多木材经销商开始了对小叶紫檀大量购买,另外也有一部分场外资金以短期投资获利为目地进入这一领域,不可避免的出现了一部分囤积炒作的现象。
- Lobular red sandalwood prices lead to more wood dealers begins to buy large lobular rosewood , there are also part of the funds to short term investment profit off for purpose came into this field , inevitably lead to a part of the hoarding of hype phenomenon .
- 乳酪中胭脂树橙含量的测定.
- Determination of annatto content in cheese - .
- 产品采用红木精雕细刻而成,简约大方,品味非凡,实用新颖。
- The product adopts annatto well-crafted but become , contracted and generous , taste is special , practical novel .
- 其次,在做工上,红木家具注重精雕细琢,不论是容易线条的勾勒,照样雕花刻叶,都力争流畅粗糙,这使得大一部分的红木家具都存在了赏玩价值与艺术价值。
- Secondly , in the work , annatto furniture special attention to the line , whether the outline of carve patterns or designs on woodwork , so the leaves , have carved to smooth , this makes big part of rough the annatto furniture that have existed enjoying value and artistic value .
- 在一片年轻的红杉林里,一只被标记的北方斑点猫头鹰正俯冲向研究人员所设置的诱饵。
- A tagged northern spotted owl swoops toward a researcher 's lure in a young redwood forest .
- 这种工作室架构源自他在elevationpartners的经历即他离开电子艺界后在红木海岸为之效力的私人股本公司。
- This studio structure stems from his experience with elevation partners , the private equity firm he moved to in redwood shores .
- 测验主角首先被问及到假设世上最高的红木有x多英尺高,而这个x变量的可能变化幅度为85英尺至1000英尺高。
- Subjects were first asked if the tallest redwood tree in the world was more than x feet , with x ranging from eighty-five to a thousand feet .
- 我还是用花黎木柄的.
- I 'll stick to the rosewood .
- 你认为巴西玫瑰木比印度玫瑰木还要好吗?
- Do you feel that brazilian is any better than indian rosewood ?
- 他领着她走到沙发前面,她默默地坐下了。
- He led her to the rosewood sofa and she sat down in silence .