- 冰岛看起来繁荣得令人吃惊。
- The country looks amazingly prosperous .
- 这片区域经济繁荣。
- The region is economically prosperous .
- 一切一度顺风顺水事实上,其后一段时间是近代史上最繁荣的时期之一。
- All was well for a time - indeed , for one of the most prosperous times in modern history .
- 国际商贸城一个从纽扣到高尔夫球袋无所不包的大型批发市场本应该熙熙攘攘。
- International trade city a gargantuan wholesale market selling everything from buttons to golf bags should be bustling .
- 蒙特雷是墨西哥北部一个繁华的工业城市,而现在它的郊区还只是一片一千公顷的泥地。
- At the moment it is just a thousand hectares of mud on the outskirts of monterrey , a bustling industrial city in northern mexico .
- 尽管他是一个训练有素的律师,目前他在繁华城市“掸邦”拥有一家运营成功的电脑商店。
- Although a lawyer by training , he currently owns a successful computer shop in a bustling city in the shan province .
- 那是一个忙绿的下午。
- It was a busy afternoon .
- 否则的话他会很忙的。
- Otherwise he will be busy .
- 这将是忙碌的一周。
- It will be a busy week .