- 没有什么人会注意那些一直嘟囔着自己“以做对做最好”的企业文化的千篇一律的老板们。
- Few people pay any attention to the identikit bosses who keep popping up to hum their corporate muzak about doing well by doing right .
- 你喋喋不休的.就像你忘了所有的事.
- You babble . Just as if you have forgotten everything .
- 我们听着伊莎贝尔玩耍时发出童稚的咿呀声。
- We listened to isabel 's childish babble as she played .
- 宝宝爱重复,最初,重复能鼓励他们模仿父母的声音、牙牙学语、模仿说话。
- Babies love repetition , which initially encourages them to mimic your voice and babble sounds and mimic words .