- 人们常常收礼时打开礼物。
- Gifts are usually opened when received .
- 市场的兴奋情绪常常表达错了地方。
- The excitement is usually misplaced .
- 骤然上调利率往往是有害的。
- A sudden jump is usually bad .
- 对那些平时没能去欣赏艺术,没能去画廊的人来说,要面向他们,你是不得不冒点险的。
- You 've to take some risks to be able to reach people who don 't ordinarily get access to art and go to galleries .
- 放假时人们应该放肆地满足自己,所以花钱买几件平时舍不得买的东西,或放开肚皮享受美食吧。
- Holidays are a time when people indulge themselves , so splurge on a few things you wouldn 't ordinarily buy yourself . Comfort food is always welcome !
- 假期是一个满足自己的好时机,挥霍一下,给自己买些平时舍不得买的东西吧。
- Holidays are a time when people indulge themselves , so splurge on a few things you wouldn 't ordinarily buy yourself .
- 研究人员已经想出了制止人们习惯性暴饮暴食和咬指甲的行为的方法。
- Researchers have figured out how to stop people from habitually overeating and biting their nails .
- 她习惯性地在欧洲生活半年,根据心情或情况来分配她在每座房子的时间。
- She habitually lived half of the year in europe , dividing her time among her houses according to mood or circumstances .
- 当货币动荡时,买家习惯性向黄金退却,以对冲通货膨胀。
- When currencies falter , buyers habitually retreat to gold as a hedge against inflation .