- 以转反义wx基因粳稻和籼稻品系为材料,研究其颖果的发育和物质积累。
- The development and substance accumulation of rice caryopsis were studied by using the transgenic japonica and indica rice lines with antisense wx gene .
- 水稻核心种质及成恢448回交后代的稻米延伸性研究。
- Analysis of cooked rice elongation of core germplasm in rice and the backcross progenies of indica restore line chenghui 448 .
- 以转反义wx基因粳稻和籼稻品系为材料,研究其颖果的发育和物质积累。
- The development and substance accumulation of rice caryopsis were studied by using the transgenic japonica and indica rice lines with antisense wx gene .