- 如果您偏好新鲜水果,加入糖和奶油。
- If you prefer fresh fruit , add sugar and cream .
- 法式奶油的乳脂含量在百分之三十以上。
- French cream has a butterfat content of at least 30 percent .
- 苹果酱和酸奶油当然也行得通。
- Sure , applesauce and sour cream were workable .
- 这位恐龙迷男爵将这块骨头鉴定为一条可能曾经在此地区的岛屿上生存的矮恐龙。
- The baron , who was a dinosaur buff , identified the bone as belonging to a dwarf dinosaur that likely once lived on an island in the region .
- 有道是,不了解历史的人势必重蹈覆辙如同任何一位历史爱好者都会说的那样,许多历史是你绝不希望重演的。
- It is said that those who don 't know history are condemned to repeat it - and as any history buff can tell you , much of history is something you would not want to repeat .
- 在国内,在公众面前宣扬党的路线的同时,这位身材矮小的电影爱好者喜欢好莱坞(hollywood)动作片,并从自己在瑞士接受教育的孩子们口中了解西方的生活。
- At home , the diminutive film buff enjoys hollywood action movies and hears tales of life in the west from his swiss-educated children , while trotting out the party line in public .
- 如果您偏好新鲜水果,加入糖和奶油。
- If you prefer fresh fruit , add sugar and cream .
- 法式奶油的乳脂含量在百分之三十以上。
- French cream has a butterfat content of at least 30 percent .
- 苹果酱和酸奶油当然也行得通。
- Sure , applesauce and sour cream were workable .
- 枝淡灰黄色或淡褐色。
- Yellow of branch weak ash or ecru .
- 生活就是白开水,本色原始的滋味往往最长久,最让人无法舍弃。
- Life is plain boiled water , ecru primitive taste are often the most long , the most let a person cannot abandon .