- 文中利用capps模式进行了模拟试验,试图研究在不同环流背景下,太原附近簸箕型地形对该地主要污染物(so2,nox,pm10)稀释扩散的影响。
- In this paper the author uses capps model system to make simulation exper iments . It aims at studying the influence of dustpan shaped ferrain on dilution and dif fusion of main pollutants such as so2 , no x and pm10in taiyuan city und er the control of different circulations .
- 用扑索引卡和塑料簸箕清理水银珠子。
- Clean up any beads of mercury by using an index card and plastic dustpan .
- 请把扫把和畚箕拿给我。
- Please hand me the broom and the dustpan .
- 但正当直人先生似要步其前辈的后尘进入历史的垃圾箱时,他提出一揽子改革提议,这比二十多年来经济不景气时的任何尝试都激进。
- But just as mr kan seemed likely to follow his predecessors into the dustbin of history , he has put together a package of proposed reforms more radical than anything attempted during two decades of economic malaise .
- 他的首席反毒品官员已经把“毒品战争”一词清扫进垃圾箱,并且警告说美国人“不能让这个问题给束缚住”。
- And his top drugs official has relegated the phrase " war on drugs " to the dustbin , and has warned that americans " cannot arrest our way out of this problem " .
- 她走进屋里摔摔打打开始来个改头换面:洗盘子,擦炉子和厨房地板,打开窗户,倒烟缸把垃圾箱盖摔得乓乓响。
- She went inside and crashed around the house , effecting a transformation : washing dishes , scrubbing the stove and the kitchen floor , throwing the windows wide open , emptying ashtrays with a clang of the dustbin lid .