- 我们接触到门把手或其他金属物体时身上感到的那些不期而至的小电击,与头发摩擦后粘在墙上的气球,或是静电在附近时竖起的发丝,这些都是因静电产生的。
- Those unexpected little shocks we get when we touch a doorknob or some other metallic object , the balloons that stick to the wall after being rubbed in the head , or hair itself standing straight when it comes close , all are produced by static electricity .
- 他被领到另一个小屋,那儿有一个枯瘦如柴的女孩,头发稀少,正把裤子搁在膝盖上擦洗、折叠。
- He was directed to another hut where a stick-thin girl , with missing clumps of hair , had the pants , scrubbed and folded , in her lap .
- 她的头发,有着过时的黄褐色,被高高的拢在脑后,用许多发夹固定住。
- Her hair , an anachronistic tawny blonde , is piled high on her head , stabilised by numerous hairpins .
- 他回忆起第一次开车走过著名的哈拉和林(译者注:蒙古中部古城)高速公路那条“美丽而又恐怖的”发夹弯道。
- He recalls his first time navigating the " beautiful and frightening " hairpins turns of the famous karakorum highway .
- 对于那些很少穿戴戒指或项链的人来说,配有诞生石的手表,胸针或发夹都是件令人惊喜的礼物。
- Birthstones are also stunning when mounted in watches , brooches , and hairpins for those who rarely wear rings or necklaces .