- 他巡回演说,发行专辑,t恤、棒球帽,奇怪的是,连管道带上都有他的标志。
- He tours and releases cds . His logo appears on t-shirts , baseball caps and , oddly , duct tape .
- 入侵者随身携带了工具,布基胶带、浸过氯仿的抹布,还有一整套手术器械。
- The intruder broughthis tools with him . Duct tape . A rag soaked in chloroform . A collection of surgical instruments .
- 你要“伟哥”时,得到的是一根冰棒和喉管胶布。
- You ask for viagra . You get a popsicle stick and duct tape .
- 最常见职务头衔或职能:活动经理
- Most common job title and / or function : event manager
- 最常见职务头衔或职能:餐厅经理
- Most common job title and / or function : restaurant manager
- 其实,我们从来不建议,经理人要“有政治意识”,或者要“玩政治”。
- We never tell any manager to " be political " or to " play politics . "