- 祥子不晓得这个,只当是头一天恰巧赶上宅里这么忙,于是又没说什么,而自己掏腰包买了几个烧饼。
- Xiangzi , not knowing this , thought this first day just happened to be a busy one . So again he said nothing and forked out his own money to buy some griddle cakes .
- 安德森媒没有发明汉堡包(此书巧妙地绕过了那个争论);他只是把烹饪标准化了,他把数十个事先称过、造好型的肉饼放在一个特制的平底锅里马上煎好后就放入了专门烤制的圆面包里。
- He did not invent the hamburger ( this book wisely steers around that controversy ) ; he merely standardized its production , cooking dozens of pre-weighed , pre-shaped burgers at once on a dedicated griddle , and serving them on specially designed buns .
- 北欧洁具咬大小不粘密肋扒炉新。
- Nordic ware bite size nonstick waffle griddle new .
- 他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。
- His accent , an inimitable polyglot growl , radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a " global nomad . "
- 他们蹦蹦跳跳,在草地上玩耍,相互拥抱和追逐着.瑞比特完全忘了自己应该咆哮和看起来令人生惧。
- They were hopping around , and playing in the grass , cuddling each other and chasing each other around . In his shock , rabbit completely forgot to growl and look fearsome .
- 一些国家再次听到了老虎的咆哮。
- Some can again hear the tiger 's growl .
- 那就是它可以提高穿入头发中的纤维尖头的灵敏度,从而增加尖头与头皮的直接接触面积。
- It 's designed to provide increased sensitivity with fiber tips that thread through hair to increase direct scalp contact .
- 他们把她麻醉切去了她的一块头皮和颅骨,最后他们在下面用保护的假膜缝合起来。
- They anesthetized her to remove a piece of her scalp and skull and fold back a protective membrane underneath .
- 用洗发帽或一个塑料袋覆盖在头皮上,等15到30分钟,然后彻底清洗干净。
- Cover your scalp with a shampoo cap or a plastic bag , wait 15 to 30 minutes , then rinse thoroughly .
- 看看锁屏界面就知道了。
- Your lock screen can tell you .
- windows8在触摸屏上运行效果最好。
- Windows 8 works best with a touch screen .
- 它们只是屏幕上的像素而已。
- They are pixels on a screen .
- 浮动式金属探测水筛。
- Floating sifter for water metal detecting .
- 振动筛分过滤机、方糖自动成型机、气旋筛。
- Vibro separator & filter , centrifugal sifter , sugar cube forming machine .
- 当你说出这些有力的话时,你就成为我们说的「有选择性的筛子」。
- And as you set forth those powerful words , you become what we call a " selective sifter " .