- 本文通过僧侣道人、帝王将相、平民百姓等诸种人物的成神现象分析,找出几点值得注意的问题,以期抛砖引玉。
- By analyzing the phenomena of deification of various people such as monks and taoists , emperors and aristocrats as well as ordinary people , the thesis puts , forward a few points which deserve attention , expecting that they could inspire valuable opinions from other scholars .
- 世界上低调的人有两种,一种是真的低调,另一种是狂妄,不与世俗人为伍。
- Among those low-keyed people , many are really low-keyed , but the others are arrogant , and do not associate with ordinary people .
- 在平凡的世界里,蒸腾着不平凡的真情;一群普通的人,演绎着悲壮的人生。
- In the ordinary world , the transpiration of extraordinary love ; a group of ordinary people who perform a tragic life .