- 短波广播就是一个标志性事例。
- Short-wave radio is a signal example .
- 你的初始信号差不多也会是这样。
- Your starting signal will likely vary .
- 问题在于目前所传出的信号。
- The problem is the signal being sent .
- 祭坛上有一面用精致雕刻木框镶嵌的镜子,是日本神教信仰的象征。
- The altar bore a circular mirror in anornately carved wooden frame : an emblem of shinto worship .
- 但是由于法语是法国标志,所以法国人对这特别敏感。
- But the french are touchy because theirs is so much an emblem of national identity .
- 从这个意义上讲,对峙是美国军事问题的完美标志。
- In that sense , the stand-off is the perfect emblem of america 's military problems in the world .
- 我把那封信放哪儿了?
- Where did I put that letter ?
- 一封重要的信件被律师作为证据。
- An important letter served the lawyer as evidence .
- 这样的信件永远都能达到它的目的。
- The letter always arrives at its destination .
- 投资银行应注意这一点。
- Investment banks should take note .
- 他的继任者应该注意这一点。
- His successors should take note .
- 雇主也将一定会注意到。
- Employers will surely take note .