- 盛部长在去往现场的路上接受了国家电视台的简短采访,其间没有提到任何人为的错误。
- Mr sheng , the minister , gave a terse interview ( in chinese ) to state television on his way to the scene , saying nothing about human error .
- 然而,据央行研究部门负责人及新研究项目主要作者盛宋城(他也是助理行长候选人)介绍,这些先决条件并非是绝对的。
- Such preconditions are not , however , absolute , according to sheng songcheng , head of the central bank 's research department and the lead author of its new study ( he is also a candidate for assistant governor ) .
- 然而,盛女士的叙事笔法通过女性的身体刻画显得异常深入而直接。
- Yet ms. sheng 's technique of writing through , and about , women 's bodies , is unusually intimate and direct .
- 李安执导的电影《色戒》被删去了7分钟的性行为镜头,就罕见地引发了公众的抱怨。
- The excision of seven minutes of sexual activity from the ang lee film lust , caution prompted rare public complaints .
- 这令我想到就《卧虎藏龙》我对李安进行的参访,电影中的演员似乎轻轻一跃就上了屋顶,并在树梢上持剑对决。
- That reminded me of when I interviewed ang about " crouching tiger hidden dragon " in which actors seem to skip lightly over rooftops and hold a sword fight in treetops .
- 结论:用超声微泡介导的ang1基因转染,可促进缺血骨骼肌的血管新生和侧支循环建立,为下肢缺血性疾病的基因治疗提供了一种新的途径。
- Conclusion : microbubble mediating ang 1 gene therapy by using ultrasound could promote the collateral circulation and new vessels development , it will be a new method for the treatment of limb ischemic diseases .