- 阿库丽娜用福音书教子女读写,用削尖的桦树枝蘸忍冬植物汁作为笔和墨。
- Akulina had used the gospels to teach her children to read and write , using sharpened birch sticks dipped into honeysuckle juice as pen and ink .
- 她架好画板,开始给杂志里的故事画一张钢笔插图。
- She arranged her board and began a pen-and-ink drawing to illustrate a magazine story .
- 书里面是老式的钢笔画插图,描绘了汉斯和他朋友的所作所为。
- Inside were old-fashioned pen and ink illustrations depicting hans , his friends , and whatever it was they did .