- 展示我的蓝色的钢笔.
- Show me a blue pen .
- 你可以用你的钢笔吗?
- May I have your pen ?
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .
- 厨房墙壁上用铅笔画下的身高标记已经成为历史。
- Forget growth marks scratched in pencil on the kitchen wall .
- 琳达用铅笔作画,画龄已经超过40年了。
- Linda has been drawing with pencil for over 40 years .
- 铅笔芯里的石墨就是由多层石墨烯组成的。
- Layers of graphene make up the graphite found in pencil lead .
- 父亲的中风毁了两个人的人生。
- His stroke devastated two lives .
- 有5%的可能会中风。
- A 5 percent chance of stroke .
- 十月份我的外祖母患了中风。
- My maternal grandmother had a stroke in october .