- 可可工业劳工中童工的比例已经达到了一个不容忽视的地步。
- The extent of child labour in the cocoa industry came as a shock .
- 皮尔森教授仔细地记录那个时候普遍蔓延的道德恐慌感,由于快速的城市化进程,古老的乡村道德法则被颠覆,妈妈们需要承担工作,童工也是普遍使用(害怕是因为那些价值观尚未定型的年轻人口袋里有了钱)。
- Professor pearson meticulously notes the widespread moral panic about the collapse of ancient , rural moral codes in the face of rapid urbanisation , the rise of working mothers and the spread of child labour ( feared because it put money in the pockets of impressionable youths ) .
- 他一直在报上攻击雇用童工。
- He has been running a lilt in the newspaper against child labour .