- 新兴市场公司在富有国家非常热情的寻求立足点的一个原因是,那里的商业环境比本土更为友好。
- One reason why emerging-market companies are keen for a toehold in rich countries is that the business climate there is far friendlier than at home .
- 不过能在争夺如此激烈的市场上取得立足之地也许是值得了。
- Yet it is probably worthwhile to get a toehold in a congested market .
- 受制于本国和欧洲的经济疲软,就连小公司也正在新兴市场中寻求立足之地。
- Constrained by weakness at home and in europe , even small companies are seeking a toehold in emerging markets .